
Sailing Club

Are you passionate about sailing?

Browse within everyone's reach. We set the boat and you win. 

A club created for people who want to sail all year round, improve their technical skills or simply enjoy the sea.

What boat license do I need and what types exist?

Are you passionate about the sea? Do you dream of being a boat skipper? To navigate in Spanish waters it is necessary to have some type of nautical permit, not only to govern as a professional, but also for pleasure boats. Depending on the boat size and the navigation distance from the coast you can choose between the different nautical courses to get some of the different boat licenses that exist.

If you want to know more about the types of boat license and licenses, this is your article. We are going to answer all your questions so that you can go from being an applicant to obtaining a nautical qualification.

What is a boat license? 

A boat license is an official document issued by the competent authority that certifies that the holder has complied with the requirements necessary to operate a vessel safely and legally. This document may vary in names and types depending on jurisdiction, but generally involves the demonstration of nautical skills, knowledge of maritime safety, and compliance with specific regulations.

The boat license is essential for those who wish to participate in nautical activities, guaranteeing a minimum level of competence and contributing to safety on the water. As with land vehicles, in order to steer a boat it is necessary to obtain a permit that certifies that you have the necessary knowledge to be able to operate it. 

A license to drive a car is not the same as driving a bus. The same thing happens in the nautical world. Depending on the boat you want to sail, you must choose one or another license.

The General Directorate of the Merchant Navy or, failing that, the Autonomous Communities that have assumed these powers (Canary Islands, Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Andalusia, Asturias, Galicia, the Basque Country, Murcia, Cantabria, Valencia, Ceuta, Melilla and the Basque Country) are responsible for issuing these degrees. .

To obtain them you will have to pass some courses, some theoretical exams and do some internships on approved boats. He Royal Decree 875/2014 regulates recreational nautical qualifications in Spain, establishing the requirements and procedures for obtaining licenses for different categories of boats.

When is a card or license necessary?

The need for a license to operate a boat depends on several factors, such as jurisdiction, type of boat, and its use. In general terms, below are some common situations in which a boating license or license is required:

  1. Recreation boats: In many countries, a nautical title or license is required to operate pleasure craft. The license category may vary depending on the size and type of vessel.
  2. Engine power: In some places, the need for a nautical title may depend on the power of the boat's engine. For example, it may be mandatory to obtain a license for boats with engines of a certain power.
  3. Navigation area: Some licenses may be specific to certain navigation areas, such as inland waters or the open sea. The complexity and licensing requirements may vary depending on the navigation area.
  4. Type of activity: If you perform any specific activities on the boat, such as sport fishing or diving, an additional license may be required.
  5. Operator age: In many places, the age of the operator can be a factor. Nautical licenses often have minimum age requirements for holders.

It is important check jurisdiction-specific regulations which you will navigate to fully understand the requirements and obtain the necessary license. Safety and legality are key aspects of boating, and having the right license contributes to both.

Types of Cards and Licenses for Recrep boats

Depending on the type of boat you want to govern, you will have to choose to obtain one license or another. Here we explain the types of cards that exist and how to access them:

Title or Navigation License

It is popularly known as Title or navigation license It is the most basic license of all and is intended for those who want to navigate with a small boat or jet ski, without going too far from the coast. It allows you:

  • Navigate boats up to 6 meters in length and jet skis
  • Daytime navigation only
  • Minimum age 16 years
  • You can go up to 2 miles from the coast.

To obtain it you must perform a 6-hour course (two of theory and four of practice) without the need to take any exam. If you are interested in having this license, we offer the Course to obtain a navigation license.

During the training you will learn basic maneuvers within the port, checks prior to departure to sea and the most used knots. You should also know basic rights of way to avoid collisions, notions of safe navigation and maritime signaling.

Pleasure Boat Skipper Card

The PER card or permit is a very popular card to improve the powers that the license offers you and to be able to sail with somewhat larger boats and does not require any prior nautical qualification. Therefore, the PER (Recreational Boat Skipper) is the most common card. 

Obtaining this title, which can be obtained from the age of 18, allows you to sail in a boat whose length does not exceed 15 meters and travel a maximum of up to 12 miles from the coast.

It is possible to expand the powers of the PER. To do this, you must carry out a 24-hour navigation that includes night navigation. Once passed, you will be able to govern boats of up to 24 meters in length and sail between islands, both the Balearic and Canary Islands.

To obtain this license you need to complete a training and internship course at a nautical school. The course must include 12 hours of short-range radio operator (4 theoretical and 8 practical) and 16 hours of navigation practices.

You must also pass a psychophysical examination and an official exam. On our blog we have an article about everything you need to know about the PER exam.

Are you interested in: Navigation Courses

Basic Navigation Pattern Card

Would you like to go fishing at night? The card BNP (Basic Navigation Pattern) is your degree. This permit will allow you to navigate up to 5 miles from the coast in motor boats up to 8 meters in length and with no power limit.

The minimum age to obtain this license is 16 years old and it serves as a jet ski license.

To obtain the PNB title you must attend a course taught by an official school or federation that consists of two theoretical hours and two practical hours in radio telecommunications. You will have to pass a multiple choice exam, complete 8 practical hours on safety and navigation. You must also pass a medical exam.

Yacht Skipper License

Do you prefer to steer a yacht? You must obtain the Yacht Skipper's License, which allows navigation in boats up to 24 meters in length and distance up to a maximum distance of 150 miles. 

The first requirement to obtain it is to be in possession of the PER card. You must also pass a theoretical exam and take some practical high-altitude navigation tests, which consist of a 48-hour journey.

Yacht Captain's License

It is the maximum qualification in recreational boats. It allows navigation in any type of boat without navigation limits: sailing at night and day, at any distance from the coast and without a length limit. 

To get you out Yacht Captain's License You will have to have the Yacht Skipper's Card. You will also have to do some internships on an approved boat. They last 48 hours, of which at least 36 will be cruising. You must also remain on at least one full navigation watch during the day and another at night.

Do you already know what your card will be? Whether you are clear about it or not, at Anclademia we are specialists in navigation license, PNB and PER courses. Our schedules are flexible and we offer approved internships. If you want more information about our practical and theoretical courses, just visit our website

Table of Recreational Nautical Titles

Navigation License6 meters2 nautical miles
Basic Navigation Pattern (PNB)8 meters5 nautical miles
Recreational Boat Skipper (PER)15 meters12 nautical miles
Yacht Skipper (PY)24 meters150 nautical miles
Yacht Captain (CY)24 metersNo distance

We must not forget that there are many more qualifications if you want to make seafaring a profession. For them we will enter the professional nautical titles and in this article you will be able to learn about them all.

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