Fast Rescue Boat Course

Training for the operation of fast rescue boats is included in the so-called STCW courses, which means that it is included in the training, certification and surveillance standards for the crew.

This is a course that allows those who perform it to work with fast rescue boats at any time: from launching itself to its maintenance in various climatic conditions, including its search and handling on the high seas.

Obtaining the fast rescue boat management certificate allows the performance of new functions in the professional performance for crew members, sailors, officers and captains.

STCW Courses

GMDSS General Operator
Port Master
Professional Pattern (PPER)
Passenger Ships
Maritime Protection Training
Bridge Sailor
Advanced Fire Fighting
Fast Rescue Boats
Non-Fast Rescue Boats

What is the objective of the course?

The objective of the course for handling fast rescue boats is designed for professional training in the following functions:

Course duration

To obtain the fast rescue boat course, it is necessary to attend the course under the following conditions:

Reserve your place in the course Fast Rescue Boats

This course is available all year round but check with Anclademia for the closest available dates.

Who is the Fast Rescue Boat course for?

Training in the operation of fast rescue boats is aimed at navigation professionals who carry out their work on ships equipped with this type of craft. We are talking about captains, officers, sailors and crew members who will be in charge of these functions in the performance of their tasks.

The learning in this training lies in launching fast rescue boats, their construction and maintenance, their search and recovery and, of course, their management when necessary. Likewise, all these questions will be learned taking into account various climatic situations to guarantee the student's adaptation in any circumstance.

It's about a approved course, certified under the agreement STCW-78, in which all the training related to training, certification and surveillance standards for the crew.

In order to obtain this title, it is essential to previously have the training in the management of non-fast Rescue Boats and the Survival Craft Specialty Certificate, in addition to having a valid ID or passport and having reached the age of majority.

Fast Rescue Boat Course Price

Fast Rescue Boat Training

  • 9 theoretical hours
  • 7 hours practice
  • Teaching materials
  • Student insurance

Frequent questions

How long does the fast rescue boat course expire?

This training expires 5 years after obtaining it, but it can be renewed by carrying out one of the so-called maintenance courses, which in the case of fast rescue boats would last 12 and a half hours.

Is it possible to take fast rescue boat operation training online?

Since the training includes a series of practical hours, at the moment there is no possibility of learning how to operate fast rescue boats over the Internet, but it is necessary to attend the course in person.

What career opportunities does the fast rescue boat qualification have?

More than offering professional opportunities, the course for the management of fast rescue boats is designed for people who already work in the marine field as crew members, sailors, officers or captains, and they do so on ships that include this type of vessels, being the management of them among their possible assignments.

Is it necessary to attend all hours to obtain the fast rescue boat driving title?

Although in many of the STCW courses there is the possibility of missing a 10% of the theoretical hours included in the training, as it is a course of only 16 total hours and only 9 theoretical hours, in this case the possibility of not assist.

We are in the Port Olimpic

Contact us

Get in touch to sign up for our courses or to request more information about our courses.​


+34 684 165 089


Port Olimpic, Barcelona