The maritime navigation book is something that all those who want to dedicate themselves professionally to navigation should know., regardless of their training and what functions they perform. This is an essential document that must be obtained to be able to carry out all types of maritime work.
But, What exactly does the maritime navigation book consist of, what are its types and how can it be obtained? Below, we answer all these questions in order to facilitate the process and help you choose the best option in each case.
What is a maritime navigation logbook?
Also known simply as maritime passbook or boarding pass, we can define it as a identity document at sea. It is mandatory to have it, since its pages record all the sailor's data for these purposes, such as their boarding as a crew member, the official training received and the STCW certificates obtained as specialization.
As we will see below, The boarding pass can be international or Spanish and it is possible to obtain either of them separately or even have both.. Of course, it is important to keep in mind that this is not a single document, but must be accompanied by others such as the results of medical examinations - which until a while ago were included here.
Obtaining the maritime navigation book
Beyond the documentation to be presented on a mandatory basis To request the maritime navigation book, the only essential requirement lies in obtaining the Basic Maritime Safety Training. Anyone who proves that they have completed this qualification through the corresponding certificate will be able to have their boarding pass.
Now this is something that It is checked by the shipping agencies before generating and delivering the maritime booklet.. However, anyone who performs duties on board must previously have this training, so it does not make sense to request the navigation document without having previously completed it.

Documents required when requesting the maritime passbook
If this essential requirement is met, there will not be any problem when requesting the maritime navigation book, although it is true that some documents must be presented to the captain's office as part of the process. As with the issuance of other identification records, When obtaining the boarding pass you will need the following documents:
- Photocopy of National identity document or the Passport accompanied by the original.
- The application sheet of the maritime navigation book.
- A Photography card
- He receipt of payment of fees necessary in each case, which vary depending on the type of maritime book.
What organization issues the boarding pass?
Although The maritime navigation book is generally requested in the captaincies or maritime districts corresponding to each zone -they are generally found in a large part of the national ports- The institution in charge of its expedition is the General Directorate of the Merchant Navy.
At the time of submitting the application, the fees required for the issuance of the document must be paid., a payment that can be made through different banking entities. These rates will vary depending on whether it is a Spanish or international boarding pass, as we will see below when addressing the different types.
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Types of maritime notebook
As we have commented previously, There are two types of maritime navigation book, the Spanish one and the international one.. But which of the two is more appropriate in each case? Let's look at the main differences between the two before clearing up this doubt, because the answer to this question may surprise you.
Spanish maritime navigation book
The national boarding pass is the one that allows you to navigate only with Spanish flag vessels., so it would not be useful, for example, to those who perform their professional duties in a polish flag ship or Dutch. Its cost is currently €2, although it is worth checking before submitting the request because it could vary.
International maritime navigation book
Besides, The international maritime navigation book offers the possibility of sailing on ships with any flag, although its price is higher: €50 which is also paid when submitting the application. In this case, it is also an essential requirement to present the Basic Maritime Safety Training certificate.
What type of boarding pass is most convenient?
Although a priori it may seem obvious, in reality you do not need the Spanish boarding pass if you are not going to sail ships with this flag, nor the international one if not, but our recommendation goes beyond mere necessity.
And it is that, If you obtain both maritime navigation books, it will be much easier for you to renew certificates, since you will be able to easily demonstrate that you have exercised the necessary boarding days.