
Sailing Club

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Browse within everyone's reach. We set the boat and you win. 

A club created for people who want to sail all year round, improve their technical skills or simply enjoy the sea.

How to be a merchant mariner?

There are many people who are interested in dedicating themselves professionally in the maritime field and they wonder how to be a merchant mariner, especially in the coastal areas that make up a large part of our country.

If we take into account that it is a sector in which you can grow in responsibilities and powers and whose average salary is attractive, this interest is totally understandable.

We are referring to a job with infinite possibilities depending on each person's training, since there are various titles and certifications that allow access to the profession. Therefore, choosing an apprenticeship is one of the first steps to becoming a merchant seaman and being part of the crew of a ship.

What is the Spanish Merchant Navy?

The Merchant Navy is the set of vessels and ships that are part of maritime trade, in this case Spanish, so it does not include any type of military ship. It is an element of vital importance in intermodal transport, so that it seems fundamental for any state at an economic, political, strategic and even social level.

This set is regulated by the General Directorate of the Merchant Navy and includes all types of vessels of different types, such as fishing vessels, oil tankers, chemical vessels, research vessels or tugboats, among others, reaching practically 90% of maritime movements dedicated to trade through the sea.

What is a merchant mariner?

The first thing we must understand when we talk about a sailor is that we are referring to someone with a degree or certification that qualifies him or her to perform his or her duties. From here on, a sailor is anyone who is part of the ship's crew, and we speak of merchant seaman when we refer to those who work on ships of these characteristics.

In this sense, The General Directorate of the Merchant Navy establishes different ranks in the different hierarchies that are established in each department of the ship., from the engine room to the bridge and deck section, passing through the radio communications area or the chamber and board area. In any case, we are talking about a generic term that can cover various assignments.

Are you interested in: What ranks are there in the merchant navy?

What are the main functions of a merchant mariner?

Although the responsibilities of a seafarer can be innumerable depending on the section to which they belong, there are some tasks that we can consider basic for merchant seafarers. We talk about the main functions that these professionals carry out on board a vessel, where we can include the following:

  • Government of the ship following the orders of the captain in charge of navigation.
  • Maintenance and repair of the boat's equipment.
  • Merchandise supervision.
  • Management of navigation sensors.
  • Monitoring the safety of the ship and all people on board.
  • Establishment of communication through the various radio systems used on the ship.

What do you have to do to be a merchant mariner?

As we say, being part of the merchant navy as a professional implies obtaining the certificates that enable you to perform certain functions.

However, not all duties on board require the same training: depending on whether you aspire to a higher or lower rank, you can study from university degrees to courses as long as they are approved by the General Directorate of the Merchant Navy for the development of professional functions on ship.

The minimum requirements for any function carried out within a merchant ship include:

What is the salary of a merchant seaman in Spain?

Taking into account the diversity of the ranks that we can find on board a merchant ship, The salary of seafarers can be very different depending on their position.. However, it is considered that the average salary of a Spanish sailor is close to €35,000 gross per year, which places it as one of the highest internationally.

How to be a merchant mariner in Spain

Once we have described the necessary training to be able to work as a merchant mariner, it is worth knowing that in Spain certain requirements are necessary apart from the title. In addition to being able to certify your capabilities as a ship's crew member, it is essential that you have the Sailor's Identity Document, also called Maritime Booklet, and with a current medical examination.

On the other hand, regardless of what responsibilities correspond to your position and your rank, and which department of the ship in which you perform them, you will need the Basic Security Training Specialty Certificate. Is about a title required of all those who carry out their work in the maritime environment.

How to train to be a merchant mariner?

As we say, there are university qualifications that will allow you to work as a high-ranking merchant mariner, but it is also possible to access minor positions through official courses that guarantee experience and professional growth and, subsequently, delve deeper into the subject by accessing higher studies.

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