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How to tow a boat and assist its crew correctly

Have you ever thought about what to do if you have to tow a boat? We are referring to one of those situations that seem like they will never happen to you, but the truth is that it is something that can happen at any time. And if necessary, the best solution begins with Know how to act and stay calm.

And, no matter how much we know how to navigate a boat, this knowledge is not enough when an engine breakdown, a storm or certain problems in the ship's steering system appear.

Any of these situations can leave us adrift on the high seas and in these cases it is highly advisable to know how to tow a boat.

The first step, analyze the situation

When we are faced with a boat that needs to be towed, it is essential maintain peace of mind and study the conditions of each ship before carrying out this process. First of all, we must assess that all the crew and passengers on the boat are well, avoiding any movement prior to this check.

Once it has been determined that there is no personal injury or danger of it occurring, the possibility of towing by the other vessel should be carefully analyzed. That is to say, Not all ships meet the necessary conditions to tow any boat, it will be necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of each vessel and, if movement is not possible, wait for maritime rescue while remaining calm and providing the necessary help.

Everything you need to know to tow a boat

Once the situation is assessed and there is certainty that it is possible to proceed with the towing of the boat safely, it is essential to have certain knowledge. In this case, it is not only useful to know technical issues about the ship's engine or steering system, since repair is not always the most appropriate alternative on the high seas.

It is essential to understand aspects such as the speed at which the towing vessel must advance, the correct ways to proceed with the towed vessel or the materials necessary in this process. Besides, It is advisable to differentiate how to act in case of towing a stranded boat and know the costs of this process.

How to act from the towed boat

When we find ourselves on the boat that is being towed, we must take into account some issues that influence our safety: It is essential to indicate the maneuver with the regulatory lighting -if it is not possible, the towing vessel must do so- and constantly check the bow and stern of the vessel.

Regarding maneuvers, the towed boat must always turn the rudder to the opposite side of the fall of the towing boat. In this way, the tow line will at all times become an extension of the center line, which is how it should be directed throughout the process.

How fast should you tow a boat?

The most important thing regarding towing speed is that it must be as constant as possible and, in principle, not exceed 10 knots. In this sense, the worse the state of the sea and the greater the speed of the process, the longer the rope must be and, in any case, position the towing boat parallel to the towed boat from the bow.

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Materials needed to tow a boat

The main material when towing a boat is the rope used, which must meet specific characteristics, since it could pose a danger to the crew if it breaks.

It suits use section mooring ropes that combine synthetic fibers and have around 10% of elasticity; Likewise, it must be long enough so that the boats do not collide - for this it is recommended that the length of the rope be a multiple of the wave length.

Regarding lighting, It is essential to have a strobe light at any time, but even more so in conditions of low visibility at night, adverse weather conditions - when the need to tow a boat most often appears - or heavy traffic.

How to proceed to tow a stranded boat?

When the ship to be towed is stranded, it is important to maximize caution and, if necessary, wait for high tide - otherwise the load of the towed ship should be reduced as much as possible, including crew, passengers, tanks and tanks. of water-. Thus The buoyancy of the boat is ensured, avoiding dragging the hull and generating breaks that could lead to sinking..

Is the towing process covered by insurance?

The most common thing is that the insurance includes coverage for towing or assistance at sea., so if the need leads you to contact Maritime Rescue, the insurance company would take care of the towing service.

Of course, when we talk about rescues that require the protection of assets and not just their transfer, it is necessary to contract specific clauses for this, otherwise the operations would not be covered.

The importance of agreeing on the price of the trailer

Another aspect to take into account when towing a boat is the price of the operation. Regardless of whether the insurance covers it or not, it is important analyze the need for towing, as it has a cost, and reach an agreement with the other boat on what it will cost the entry into port of the damaged ship.

Who can tow a boat

In general, Towing operations must be carried out by vessels specially trained for this purpose., with professionals who have already acted before in this type of processes. If there is knowledge and certainty that the ship is valid to tow a boat - in addition to having the necessary materials - it is possible to do so, although it is advisable to contact maritime rescue or specialized companies.

Is it mandatory to provide help on the high seas?

According to maritime legislation, A ship captain has the obligation to pay attention and help any vessel or person who is in danger at sea.. Now, this collaboration does not have to involve towing when it is not possible, sometimes it is enough to remain nearby waiting for the arrival of rescue professionals.

Difference between towing and rescuing people and property

When we find ourselves faced with a situation of this type, it is important to be very clear the differences between towing a boat and carrying out a process of rescuing people and property. And this last case takes place when there is the lowest risk of the ship sinking, at which time it is necessary to protect first the passengers and crew and, subsequently, the ship itself.

What the navigation law says about towing a boat

The Law 60/1962, which regulates maritime aid, rescue, towing, discoveries and extractions, indicates that it is mandatory for captains or skippers who have participated in a towing process report within a maximum period of 24 hours from their arrival at port.

This happens, among other reasons, because the tugboats and shipowners that participate in rescue tasks -except professional teams- receive compensation for possible expenses and damages resulting from the process, as long as the towing vessel does not belong to the same fishing unit.

Assistance to crew members, the main thing when towing a boat

Finally, Beyond the process of towing a boat, the most relevant thing is the integrity and health of the people involved. For this reason it is essential to have all the Mandatory safety and rescue material and equipment, use life jackets and contact maritime rescue by radio if towing is not possible.

Besides, It is essential to have knowledge of first aid in case of the possible need to put it into practice., as well as remaining calm at all times, since nervousness can cause us to rush and exacerbate the situation.

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