Stability of a ship

8-Ship Stability

Roll and pitch motion: Definition The concept of stability of a ship is none other than the property that it has of recovering its initial state (upright) when an internal or external element (sea or wind) causes it to lose it. The state of the sea (waves) and the wind cause the ship to lose its initial position, producing in it a … Read more

Nautical needle

9-Nautical Needle

Installation and disturbances of the nautical needle It is the instrument that indicates the direction in which the boat is sailing, therefore thanks to it we can always know what course we are taking. They are based on the magnetic properties that magnets have to orient themselves by pointing to the magnetic North. It is basically made up of magnets placed … Read more

Acoustic and light signals

10-Acoustic and light signals

Definitions a) The word "whistle" means any device capable of producing the required whistle sounds and which complies with the specifications in Annex III of these Regulations. b) The term "short whistle" means a sound of approximately one second's duration. c) The term "long whistle" means a sound of approximately four to six seconds' duration. Sound signals: Equipment … Read more

Navigation lights and markings

11-Vessel lights and markings

Scope a) They must be observed in all weather conditions. b) The rules relating to lights must be observed from sunset to sunrise, and during this interval no other lights shall be displayed which might be confused with those described in these Regulations, or which impair visibility or prevent effective surveillance. c) The lights in these rules MUST also be displayed … Read more

Steering wheel with rod and with wheel

Government with cane and wheel

Steering wheel with tiller and with wheel It must be taken into account that although the objective of both systems is the same, to steer the boat, that: In steering with tiller: The bow falls in the opposite direction to that in which the tiller is inserted. The fall is faster when the tiller is acted directly on the rudder. It is easier to maintain the … Read more

Definition of headings


True, Magnetic and Needle Course: Definitions Courses are defined in terms of the meridian taken as the origin (true, magnetic or needle) and the bow-stern line of the vessel. TRUE Course (Rv): The angle formed by the true meridian of the place and the bow-stern line. MAGNETIC Course (Rm): The angle formed by the magnetic meridian of the place and the bow-stern line. Read more

Magnetic Declination: What it is and How to Calculate It

calculate magnetic declination

Did you know that the Earth's magnetic poles do not exactly coincide with the geographic poles? Because of this, the magnetic declination is calculated at a specific point. An essential concept for both maritime and air navigation. In this article we will explain everything you need to know about what magnetic declination is and how to use it. Read more