What ranks are there in the Merchant Navy?

Could you tell what the ranks are in the Merchant Navy? To know them, it is important to first understand that the Merchant Navy is the fleet made up of all merchant ships - vessels used for commerce - that display the same flag or flag. These are not all the boats registered in this country, but the… Read more

What is the MMSI or Maritime Mobile Service Identification number?

If you are a nautical person, you have probably heard about the MMSI on many occasions. What is this identification number and when is it necessary to have it? It is a highly relevant element for the purposes of radio communications and the safety of a boat and, in Spain, they depend directly on the Directorate of Navigation and Navigation. Read more

What is the maritime navigation book and how to obtain it?

The maritime navigation book is something that all those who want to dedicate themselves to navigation professionally should know, regardless of their training and what functions they perform. This is an essential document that must be obtained to be able to carry out all types of maritime work. But what exactly does the notebook consist of… Read more

STCW95 Convention: Objectives, Course Requirements

stcw agreement

Homologation in professional certifications arises from the need to establish uniform criteria for the professionalization of the sector. This happens in any type of training that guarantees training for optimal development of different jobs. The Standard of Training Certification and Watchkeeping or STCW is one of the maritime conventions… Read more

What are territorial waters in Spain?

map of spanish territorial waters

In Spain, as in any other country, there is an area of waters that belong to its sovereignty, known as territorial waters. These waters are often the subject of disputes and misunderstandings, so it is important to understand their definition and regulation to avoid problems. In this article, we will talk about what territorial waters are in Spain. Read more