How to work in the nautical sector?

nautical sector training

The nautical sector offers multiple job opportunities for those who wish to develop their career at sea. To access these jobs, it is essential to have the appropriate training and certifications. The STCW Convention (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers) establishes the international standards for training and certification for seafarers. Basic training in … Read more

How to deal with emergencies at sea

life jacket

Sailing at sea involves certain risks, so it is essential to know the safety protocols and the actions required in the event of an emergency. In this article, we will explore the types of emergencies on ships, the importance of the crew and ship parts in critical situations, and the measures to take in the event of an emergency. Read more

Navigation areas and boat design categories

navigation zones

When we obtain a recreational nautical qualification, we find certain limitations related to the length of the boat and the navigation area. However, complying with the qualification is not enough to navigate in any area, since there are other essential requirements. Requirements for sailing in specific areas Navigation areas: Classification and distances Royal Decree 339/2021 defines seven zones … Read more