SMSSM Restricted Operator Course in Barcelona

A Restricted Operator of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety Service It is responsible for providing assistance in maritime emergencies and maintaining the safety of navigation at sea.

This profession is a key component of the maritime distress and safety system, which provides assistance and coordination in emergency cases at sea. Global maritime distress and safety service restricted operators use a variety of means of communication, including satellite telephones, VHF radios and automatic warning systems, to receive and respond to emergency calls and coordinate rescue efforts.

Serve as radio operator of the GMDSS, in navigation zone A1, which approves the regulation that regulates maritime radio communications on board Spanish merchant ships.

What is the objective of the SMSSM Restricted Operator course?

The objective of the course is to train students with the necessary training to be able to solve basic situations.

Course duration

The objective of the course is to train the student with the necessary training to be able to solve basic situations.

Reserve your place now

This course is available all year round but check with Anclademia for the closest available dates.

Who is the Global Maritime Distress and Safety Service Restricted Operator course for?

This course is especially aimed at captains and officers in charge of the navigation watch of civil ships covered by the GMDSS. It is also one of the certificates necessary for get the PPER  (Professional Skipper of Pleasure Boats).

A Global Maritime Distress and Safety Service Restricted Operator is responsible for providing assistance in maritime emergencies and maintaining safe navigation at sea.

This profession is a key component of the maritime distress and safety system, providing assistance and coordination in emergencies at sea. Global maritime distress and safety service restricted operators use a variety of means of communication, including satellite telephones, VHF radios and automatic warning systems, to receive and respond to emergency calls and coordinate rescue efforts.

Additionally, these professionals continuously monitor weather and navigation information, as well as emergency situations at sea, to ensure navigation safety and provide valuable information to boaters.

SMSSM/GMDSS Restricted Operator Course Content

  • Types of communications in the maritime mobile service
  • Distress, urgency and safety communications, public correspondence
  • Communications within port, between ships and on board
  • Types of stations in the maritime mobile service
  • Elementary knowledge of frequencies and frequency bands, the concept of frequency
  • Frequency characteristics, propagation of VHF frequencies
  • Knowledge of Digital Selective Calling (LSD) and Radiotelephony communication modes
  • Use of VHF frequencies in the maritime mobile service
  • The concept of channels; simplex, half-duplex and duplex
  • GMDSS distress and safety frequencies
  • Basic knowledge of ship station equipment
  • VHF radio installations, channels, controls, use, digital selective call
  • Antennas, VHF antennas, NAVTEX system antennas
  • Types of batteries and their characteristics, charging and maintenance of batteries, UPS systems
  • Survival craft radio equipment: portable VHF, EPIRB, SART
  • Digital Selective Call (DSC - LSD): format, types and categories, MMSI number, channel 70
  • Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS - GMDSS)
  • Maritime zones and the GMDSS main plan
  • Guard on VHF distress frequencies
  • Functional requirements for stations on board ships within zone A1
  • Requirements for carrying stations on board ships within zone A1
  • Radio station power sources including emergency sources
  • Inspections and reviews of security certificates, and Licenses
  • NAVTEX: purpose, frequencies, range, use and configuration
  • EPIRB radio beacons: COSPAS-SARSAT system, purpose, frequencies, range, check, use and configuration
  • SART Radar Transponder: purpose, frequencies, range, use and configuration
  • Distress Communications: Distress call and alert, reception and acknowledgment, false alerts, cancellation
  • Search and Rescue Operations (SAR): IAMSAR manual, Rescue Coordination Centers (CCS)
  • Emergency and Security Communications
  • Reception of maritime safety information (MSI)
  • Protection of distress frequencies
  • Distress, urgency and safety communications by ships not subject to SOLAS
  • Ability to use the English language, both written and spoken
  • Use of the International Code of Signals and IMO Standard Phrases
  • Knowledge of standard abbreviations and most commonly used service codes
  • Use of the international phonetic alphabet
  • Effective use of mandatory documents and publications
  • Maintenance of the radio service diary
  • Knowledge of the regulations of the maritime mobile service and the mobile satellite system
  • Theoretical and practical knowledge of general communications procedures
  • Traffic rates, international pricing system, AAIC code
  • Main shipping routes and their annexed routes of ships navigating through zone A1

Price of the STCW SMSSM Restricted Operator Course

GMDSS Restricted Operator Training

  • 15 theoretical hours
  • 25 hours practice
  • Teaching materials
  • Student insurance

Frequent questions

How valid is the GMDSS Restricted Operator title?

The SMSSM Restricted Operator title is valid for 5 years, after which it must be revalidated by completing a skills maintenance course.

Does the GMDSS Restricted Operator title expire?

The SMSSM Restricted Operator title is valid for 5 years; after that date you will have to renew it.

How can I renew the title?

There are some necessary requirements to be able to renew the title before it expires.

  • Have at least 3 months of boarding in the last year since obtaining the title and have carried out work related to it.
  • Have at least 1 year of boarding in the 5 years of the title, performing tasks related to the title.

What do I have to do so that the title does not expire?

So that the title does not expire, it is important to renew it at any maritime captaincy and before the expiration date.

Once the SMSSM Restricted Operator Professional Title has expired, you will have to take an 8-hour Refresher Course, without having to take the entire course again.

We are in Barcelona, in the Port Olimpic

Contact us

Get in touch to sign up for our courses or to request more information about our courses.​


+34 684 165 089


Port Olimpic, Barcelona