PPER Course in Barcelona - Professional Skipper of Recreational Boats

The course to obtain the PPER (Professional Recreational Boat Pattern) is a certification that grants you the ability to navigate in Spanish flag recreational boats, registered in the 6th list, with a maximum distance of 60 or 150 nautical miles from the coast.

This enablement allows you carry up to 12 passengers on board, in addition to the crew. The vessels in which you can operate under this title have a length of up to 24 meters.

To obtain the PPER title, it is necessary to meet specific requirements and having previously obtained the title of Yacht Captain. Additionally, you must have Completed basic training, restricted operator and initial health training courses.

These courses are essential to ensure that you are prepared in essential areas such as maritime safety, operation of communication equipment and first aid at sea.

Once you have met the requirements and obtained the PPER title, You will be authorized to carry out various professional activities in the nautical field. This can include transporting passengers and renting boats (charter), as long as you follow the regulations established by the maritime authority.

STCW Courses

GMDSS General Operator
Port Master
Professional Pattern (PPER)
Passenger Ships
Maritime Protection Training
Bridge Sailor
Advanced Fire Fighting
Fast Rescue Boats
Non-Fast Rescue Boats

What is the objective of PPER?

The objective of the course is to be able to practice professionally as a Professional Employer with different functions.

Course duration

The objective of the course is to train the student with the necessary training to be able to solve basic situations.

Reserve your place in the course Professional Recreational Skipper in Barcelona

This course is available all year round but check with Anclademia for the closest available dates.

To whom is the PPER course ?

The PPER is a certificate that can only be obtained by people over 20 years of age. with a valid ID or passport. In addition, it requires a series of more advanced requirements than in other cases, such as the completion of several prior training courses.

And for its issuance it is required to have previously completed the Basic Safety Training, the GMDSS Restricted Operator course, the initial Specific Health Training and the Yacht Skipper course, as well as the theoretical training itself to be able to take the PPER exam.

Likewise, students of the Professional Recreational Boat Skipper course must demonstrate having served a minimum boarding period of 2 years as a yacht captain, pass the ISM medical examination and make the so-called Responsible Navigation Declaration.

Once all these demands have been overcome, Those who obtain the PPER certificate will be able to perform professional functions as a charter skipper with their own boat, skipper in nautical or professional diving companies or act as an instructor in nautical schools offering theoretical and practical classes, in addition to transferring boats between the archipelagos and the peninsula.

In more specific terms, the PPER course is aimed at:

  1. Advanced Nautical Fans: Those who already have experience in recreational boating and wish to take their knowledge and skills to the professional field.
  2. Sea Professionals: People who already work in the maritime field and wish to expand their job opportunities and roles within the industry, such as yacht crew or pleasure craft staff.
  3. Nautical Instructors: Individuals seeking to teach and train others in the safe and competent operation of pleasure craft.
  4. People Interested in Nautical Tourism: Those who wish to participate in maritime tourism activities, such as renting boats for tourist trips.
  5. Nautical Charter Operators: People who plan to work in renting boats to passengers.
  6. People Looking for a Career Change: Individuals seeking a career change and have an interest in the nautical field and pleasure craft.
  7. Those Who Meet the Requirements: People who meet the requirements established by the maritime authority to access the course and obtain certification.

PPER course syllabus

  • State Ports and Merchant Navy Law
  • Maritime Navigation Law
  • Maritime administration
  • Regulations on the Clearance of Vessels
  • Maritime traffic monitoring and information system
  • Regulation of maritime safety conditions
  • Flagging and registration of pleasure craft
  • Civil liability insurance regulations
  • Regulation of nautical qualifications for the governance of pleasure craft
  • Inspections of pleasure boats
  • Regulation of safety, rescue, firefighting, navigation and prevention of dirty water discharge equipment
  • Regulation of safety, technical and marketing requirements for jet skis, sports boats and their components
  • International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue
  • Civil Code
  • MARPOL Convention
  • Regulation on maritime radio communications on board

Price of the PPER Course (professional skipper of recreational boats)

PPER Course

  • 13 theoretical hours
  • Teaching materials
  • Virtual Classroom Access
  • Test and Exams
  • Tutoring

Frequently Asked Questions about PPER

What is the PPER exam?

The PPER test contains 30 questions, and must be completed in a maximum of 60 minutes. To achieve a passing result, it is essential to get at least 60% of the questions correct.

How long does the Professional Pleasure Boat Skipper course expire?

Every 5 years it is essential to renew the PPER, since it is a certificate that expires after this period, although it is possible to maintain it by renewing all the courses necessary to obtain it initially.

Can training as a Professional Skipper of pleasure boats be done online?

The course that allows students to obtain the PPER can be carried out online or in person, since it only includes theoretical modules to prepare for the exam.

What professional opportunities does obtaining the PPER have?

Once they obtain the PPER, students can become sailing instructors, in addition to working as a yacht skipper in nautical and diving companies or in charters they own.

Furthermore, it is necessary for the interested party to act as skipper during these crossings, which are high altitude and last at least 48 hours. This information must be supported by mentioning the name and registration of the vessel used.

Is it mandatory to attend training to obtain the Professional Pleasure Boat Skipper certificate?

When obtaining this certificate, it is only mandatory to pass the exam - in addition to having completed all the training required for this -, although it is highly recommended to carry out the course, since it offers all the necessary syllabus to pass.

Furthermore, it is necessary for the interested party to act as skipper during these crossings, which are high altitude and last at least 48 hours. This information must be supported by mentioning the name and registration of the vessel used.

We are in Barcelona, in the Port Olimpic

Contact us

Get in touch to sign up for our courses or to request more information about our courses.​


+34 684 165 089


Port Olimpic, Barcelona